Pachmarhi Airstripe: ‘No Construction Or Expansion Without Wildlife, Environmental Clearance,’ Says NGT |

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The National Green Tribunal (NGT), on Monday said that no construction or expansion shall be permitted to be continued or restarted at the site within the eco-sensitive zone for Pachmarhi airstrip without permission of Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ) wildlife and environmental clearances and industrial categorisation.

It was the petition of captain (retired pilot) Brijesh Kumar Bharadwaj of Chhindwara raising the grievance against the expansion of non-functional Panchmarhi airstrip.

As per categorisation of industries notification issued by State of Madhya Pradesh under Sr No 23 and Sr No 18, the airport and commercial airstrips are categorised as a red category and project proponent requires to obtain CTE and CTO (Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate) from the competent authority which has not been obtained in this matter and violative of EIA notifications.

As per NGT order, Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board (MPPCB) is directed to finalise the standard operative procedure in consultation with MoEF&CC, Government of India and to undertake environmental damage assessment study through the Institute of Repute like IITs and NITs or NEERI and the implementation of recommendations.

Pachmarhi airstrip is located inside buffer zone of the protected area. Thus, the project proponent shall obtain needful clearance from National Board of Wildlife Clearance in consultation with National Tiger Conservation Authority and Local Forest Department.

Pachmarhi is a critical habitat area for tiger and endangered vulture population. Hence the project proponent is directed to undertake detailed studies on the impact of flight operation in the ESZ area on terrestrial wildlife and Avian Fauna of the area before execution of the project. Respondent State of Madhya Pradesh may explore alternative site outside the protected area for the proposed airstrip meant for commercial operation, the NGT order added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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