Eminent calligrapher Achyut Palav has been honoured with the prestigious Padma Shri award, on the eve of Republic Day. In recognition of this remarkable achievement, Dr. Kailas Shinde, Commissioner and Administrator of Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC), personally visited the calligrapher at his residence.
“Padma Shri for Calligraphy is a moment of immense pride for Navi Mumbai, as Palav’s outstanding contribution has brought the city recognition on a national scale,” said the Commissioner. Palav’s efforts in promoting calligraphy and his significant role in enhancing the city’s aesthetic appeal through creative public art projects was specially mentioned by the commissioner.
Achyut Palav honored by NMMC |
Achyut Palav honored by NMMC |
Palav has played a key role in NMMC’s Swachh Survekshan initiative, where his calligraphic mural poetry walls (Chitrakavitabhinti) gained statewide and national recognition. ” Palav has been instrumental in organizing annual Marathi calligraphy exhibitions at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chowk in Vashi, further promoting the cultural and artistic heritage of the language. His contributions also earned him the title of Beautification Icon of the Swachh Navi Mumbai Mission,” said an official.
With over four decades of dedication to calligraphy and typography, Achyut Palav expressed his deep gratitude for receiving the Padma Shri, calling it a milestone for the art form and an inspiration for the younger generation. ” Calligraphy can serve as a medium to connect people and NMMC has provided me with amazing opportunities,” said the calligrapher.
Present at the occasion Additional Commissioner Sunil Pawar, City Engineer Shirish Ardawad, Deputy Commissioner of the Administration Department Sharad Pawar, and Deputy Commissioner of the Social Development Department Kisanrao Palande.