NMMC intensifies crackdown on plastic ban violators, seizes 128 kg of plastic, and collects ₹2.20 lakh in fines | File Photo

Navi Mumbai: In a major crackdown on plastic usage, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) has taken strict action against businesses violating the plastic ban. Over the past month, the corporation has collected Rs 2.20 lakh in fines and seized 128 kg of prohibited plastic items as part of its intensified anti-plastic drive.

Recognizing the environmental and health hazards posed by plastic, NMMC, under the leadership of Municipal Commissioner Dr. Kailas Shinde, has been actively conducting awareness campaigns to eliminate the use of single-use plastic. “As a symbolic step, the municipal headquarters has already replaced plastic water bottles with glass and steel alternatives,” a NMMC officer said.

As part of its enforcement measures, NMMC’s flying squads have been inspecting commercial establishments and penalizing those found storing or using plastic bags and other restricted items.

NMMC intensifies crackdown on plastic ban violators, seizes 128 kg of plastic, and collects ₹2.20 lakh in fines

NMMC intensifies crackdown on plastic ban violators, seizes 128 kg of plastic, and collects ₹2.20 lakh in fines | File Photo

During an inspection in Sector 11, Koparkhairane, the flying squad of Zone 2 found plastic bags at a sweet shop and imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 while seizing 2 kg of plastic. A similar violation was detected at a hotel in MIDC Rabale which also resulted in a Rs 5,000 penalty.

Likewise, another sweet shop in Githivali village, a Dairy in Chinchpada and another establishment in Rabale MIDC were found using banned plastic, leading to fines of Rs 5,000 each and the confiscation of significant plastic stock. The flying squad of Zone 1 also took action, collecting a Rs 5,000 fine and seizing half a kilogram of plastic materials.

Within the first five days of March, NMMC’s enforcement teams have already collected Rs 25,000 in fines and seized 5.50 kg of plastic bags and restricted materials. The campaign followed an aggressive drive in February, during which 40 businesses were penalized, resulting in Rs 2 lakh in fines and the seizure of 123.100 kg of banned plastic.

The municipal corporation has urged residents and business owners to support the ban by switching to eco-friendly alternatives such as cloth and paper bags. Citizens are encouraged to refrain from using plastic, while commercial establishments have been advised not to stock or distribute plastic bags.

With continued vigilance and strict enforcement, NMMC aims to make Navi Mumbai a plastic-free city, protecting both the environment and public health.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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