Bihar Politics: Mahayuti government was formed in Maharashtra on Thursday. Devendra Fadnavis took oath as CM while Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar took oath as Deputy CM. A show of strength was also seen from the NDA on the swearing-in stage. CMs and Deputy CMs of BJP and NDA ruled states were present in this swearing-in ceremony. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Andhra CM Chandrababu Naidu also attended this swearing-in ceremony. Nitish Kumar enthusiastically met PM Modi on the stage. However, the surprising thing is that when these two leaders were meeting in Mumbai, Nitish’s party JDU in Bihar was reminding BJP of Rajdharma, a period of speculation and debate started in the political circles.

Himanta Biswa Sarma government has recently banned beef in Assam. According to the orders of the Assam government, beef will not be served in hotels, restaurants and public places. JDU strongly opposed this decision of the BJP government. KC Tyagi, leader of JDU, BJP’s ally in the Center and Bihar, said, the Indian Constitution gives freedom to everyone to eat and drink. We do not support the ban on beef in hotels or public places. This will spread tension in the society which is already very high.

This decision is against Rajdharma

Apart from this, JDU spokesperson Rajiv Ranjan also called this decision unfortunate. He said, people should have freedom to eat and drink. He described this decision as against Rajdharma and beyond understanding. The government should not care about what people are eating, what they are wearing.?

JDU is also on different positions on the issue of farmers.

Nitish Kumar’s party JDU has been opposing BJP’s decision from time to time. Recently, JDU had adopted a neutral stance on the issue of Waqf Board Amendment Bill. However, during the Kavad Yatra, there was open opposition to the decision to install nameplates on shops. Not only this, now JDU has adopted a different stand from BJP on the issue of farmers’ movement. JDU supported that statement of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar. In which he asked Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh why the government could not fulfill the promises made to the farmers?

The ‘game’ will be repeated before the 2025 elections.

Although, after forming the government with the support of BJP, Nitish Kumar has said many times on the open platform that this time he will not go anywhere, but in the politics of Bihar, Nitish Kumar has changed many times. It cannot be said when he will become disillusioned with NDA. JDU raising questions from time to time on the decisions of BJP ruled states is also not a good sign for the NDA alliance. Assembly elections are going to be held in Bihar next year, meanwhile it is too early to predict under the leadership of which party JDU will contest the elections.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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