In damage control mode after his comment on Kerala being ‘mini-Pakistan’ Maharashtra Fisheries Minister Nitesh Rane said on Monday (December 12) that Kerala was indeed part of India and that he was comparing situation in Kerala with that in Pakistan.
Earlier, in a public event in Saswad, Pune, Rane said Kerala had become ‘mini-Pakistan’.
“Kerala is mini Pakistan that is why Rahul Gandhi and his sister are elected from there. All terrorists vote for them. This is the truth, you can ask. They have become MPs after taking terrorists with them,” he said during his speech.
The function was organised on the occasion of Shiv Pratap Din, the anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s slaying of Mughal general Afzal Khan and defeat of his army.
‘Very Much Part Of India’
“Kerala is very much part of India. However, the decreasing population of Hindus is something everyone should worry about. The religious conversion of Hindus into Muslims and Christians (Islam and Christianity) has become an everyday thing there. The love jihad cases where Hindu women are targeted are also increasing there. I was comparing the situation (in Kerala) with Pakistan. The way Hindus are treated in Pakistan if such situations happen in our very own country, we must take action against that. That is what I was trying to say in my speech,” said Rane as he sought to clarify his statement. He was quoted by ANI.
Rane regarded India as a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.
This is not the first time Nitesh Rane has made inflammatory remark that have religious colours.
Earlier this year and FIR was filed against Rane after he threatened to beat Muslims inside mosques.