Night Skin Care Routine: Tiredness and dust of the day have a bad effect on the skin. Due to which the natural glow of the skin reduces. Therefore, it is important to take care of the skin before sleeping at night. Following a regular nighttime exfoliation or routine can help your skin repair quickly. Exfoliating your skin at night gives your skin time to rejuvenate. The body works to repair itself at night. If you apply these 5 things on your face before going to bed, the recovery process speeds up and the skin becomes glowing by morning.

night skin care routine



The skin needs to be moisturized at night. Skin moisture is lost during the day. Therefore, it is important to apply moisturizer before sleeping at night. It keeps the skin hydrated and makes the skin soft.

night cream

Night cream promotes skin repair process. It helps in removing dead skin. Night cream has anti-aging properties that help remove wrinkles and signs of aging. If your skin looks dull and dry, use night cream as needed.


facial oil

Applying oil on the face at night also benefits the skin. Face oil nourishes the skin from within and unclogs the pores. The skin also becomes soft and supple. If your skin is dry then use face oil and if your skin is oily then rose water can also be used.


Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C is beneficial for the skin. It evens out skin tone. With its use the skin becomes refreshed. Vitamin C hydrates the skin from within and removes dark spots. Applying Vitamin C serum before sleeping at night is beneficial for the skin.


turmeric and milk

Turmeric and milk are natural face packs. It makes the skin glowing. The properties of turmeric and milk help in removing skin related problems. Applying turmeric and milk on the skin before sleeping at night increases the glow on the skin.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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