The notorious terrorist group Boko Haram has carried out a horrific attack in northeastern Nigeria. At least 100 villagers have died in this attack. The incident is from Yobe Tarmuwa area of ​​Nigeria. According to locals, more than 50 terrorists came on bikes and first opened fire and later set the building on fire.
According to the statement of the Deputy Governor of Yobe, Nigeria, 34 people have died in this attack. But according to a local leader, the death toll is 102. He further said that before the arrival of the officials, either the dead were cremated or the bodies were taken to another place. However, many people are still missing in the investigation.
One of the deadliest attacks
Taking responsibility for this terrorist attack, the terrorist group said that this action was taken in retaliation to the villagers giving information about their activities to the security personnel. This attack is considered to be one of the deadliest attacks of last year. Which reflects the increasing insecurity and terrorism situation in Nigeria.
What is Boko Haram?
Boko Haram is an Islamic extremist group, which was founded in the year 2002. Its main objective is to implement Sharia law in Nigeria and oppose Western education. This group has killed thousands of people in the last 10 years. While millions of people have become homeless. Boko Haram attacks not only rural areas but also schools and religious places. This has created an atmosphere of fear and insecurity in the surrounding area.
The Nigerian government and security forces are making many efforts to overcome this problem but are unable to improve the situation. Concrete steps are needed to protect local groups and prevent attacks.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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