The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday chargesheeted two accused in a case related to an explosion during illegal transportation of explosives in West Bengal’s Bankura area while the charges have been abated against the third accused due to his death.
The accused have been identified as Joydeb Mondal aka Bablu Mondal (died in explosion & charges abated against him), Dhananjoy Gorai, and Karimul Khan. The chargesheet has been filed against then before the NIA Special Court, Kolkata , under various sections of BNS and ES Act.
All three were found actively involved in the criminal conspiracy related to storage and transport of the explosives in an unlawful and improper manner thereby endangering human life or property.
NIA investigation in the case No. RC-16/2024/NIA/DLI, registered on 8th October, has revealed a criminal conspiracy with respect to storage and transport of illegally procured explosives without valid license. The explosion leading to death of Joydeb Mondal @ Bablu Mondal took place during one such attempt to illegally transport the explosives.
The NIA investigation so far points to a clandestine network involved in illegal trade and transport of explosives, and improper/dangerous handling of explosives.
NIA investigation continues to establish the other nodes of the conspiracy and the intended destination of the explosives.