A claim is going viral on social media that the government is going to issue a new coin of Rs 7 in honor of former Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni. A picture is being shared with this claim, in which the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is mentioned and it is written, “RBI is going to issue a new coin of Rs 7 in the honor of Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Thala is shining once again.”
However, a fact check conducted by IANS has clarified that this claim is false. It posted on its official handle, “In this image circulating on social media, it is being claimed that a new Rs 7 coin will be issued in honor of Mahendra Singh Dhoni for his contribution to Indian cricket. This claim is false.”
It further said, “The Department of Economic Affairs has not confirmed any such announcement.”
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, considered one of India’s most successful cricket captains, led India to victory in the first T20 World Cup in 2007 and ODI World Cup in 2011. Dhoni has now retired from international cricket, but continues to play in the IPL. He has scored 4876 runs in 90 Test matches, 10,773 runs in 350 ODIs and 1617 runs in 98 T20s. In IPL, he has scored 5243 runs in 264 matches.