Indian cricket team’s leg spinner Yuzvendra Chahal is in the news these days more for his personal life than his bowling. Rumors of divorce with his wife Dhanashree Verma have created a stir on social media. Amidst these rumours, a picture of Chahal with RJ Mahvash is going viral. Various things are being said about this picture. Now RJ Mahvash has broken his silence on this entire matter on social media.

RJ Mahvash broke his silence

RJ Mahvash completely rejected these rumors by writing a long post on Instagram. they wrote:

“Some articles and rumors are spreading on the internet. It’s funny to see how ridiculous and baseless these rumors are. If you see someone, does that mean you’re dating them?”

Mahvash further said:

“I was silent for 2-3 days, but now I will not let any PR team use my name like this. “People should be allowed to live in peace with their families and friends during difficult times.”

His statement directly refutes the rumors that were being spread about his relationship with Yuzvendra Chahal.

How did the picture go viral?

This picture is from Christmas time, in which Yuzvendra Chahal and RJ Mahvash are seen together.

  • As soon as this picture went viral, questions started being raised on social media as to what is the relationship between RJ Mahvash and Chahal.
  • This picture became a reason for discussion amid rumors of divorce of Chahal and Dhanashree.

Now RJ Mahvash has clarified that this is just a baseless rumour.

Chahal also shared his feelings

Amidst this entire controversy, Yuzvendra Chahal also shared an emotional post on Instagram. they wrote:

“I am grateful to my fans for their love and support. This journey is not over yet, because I still have to bowl more overs for the country, the team and the fans.”

he adds:

“I understand people’s curiosity about recent events, especially my personal life. I have seen some speculations on social media, which may or may not be true.”

Chahal expressed his feelings through this post and appealed to maintain restraint on controversies related to his personal life.

Truth behind divorce rumours?

It is not yet clear how true the news of divorce between Chahal and Dhanashree is.

  • Both have not yet given any public statement in this regard.
  • Amidst the rumours, fans of Chahal and Dhanashree are hoping that everything is fine between the two.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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