Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday launched the website of the Maharashtra Goseva Ayog. |
The new website for the Maharashtra Goseva Commission was unveiled on Tuesday in the committee hall of the Vidhan Bhavan at Nagpur.
The commission has been established to promote, protect and oversee the welfare of indigenous cattle in the state, which currently numbers 1.39 crore.
According to commission chairman Shekhar Mundada, the panel will monitor and work with institutions dedicated to the conservation and protection of these cattle. Under the ‘Go Ten’ initiative, efforts are being made to promote cattle through activities like cow conservation, protection and management, as well as dairy farming, cow-based agriculture, and cow tourism.
Special dairy farms will also be established for indigenous cows in the state.
The commission’s activities include overseeing cow shelters, cow-sheds and other cow-related institutions, implementing the Govardhan Cow Service Centre scheme, and conducting veterinary services, training caretakers, and public awareness campaigns, all of which are now being made public through the new website.