comedian sunil pal case : Every day new twists are coming in the kidnapping case of comedian Sunil Pal. Now new information has come to light in this case that 5-6 people were kidnapped, they were unemployed and they had called Sunil Pal from Mumbai on the pretext of organizing a program in Meerut. According to media reports, after the kidnapping they demanded Rs 20 lakh but later the matter was settled for Rs 7.5 lakh. When they got the money, the kidnappers gave Rs 20,000 in cash to Sunil Pal to catch a flight to Mumbai so that he could reach his home. Not only this, he also told the actor that when we get the work, we will return your money.


The kidnapping took place on December 2

According to the information received in this regard, comedian Sunil Pal was invited to perform at a program in Haridwar on the night of 2 December. For this, he came to Delhi from Mumbai by flight on 2 December. He was kidnapped by five-six accused in Delhi. The kidnappers took him to Meerut in a car. Meanwhile his eyes were blindfolded. Due to which he could not see anything. The kidnappers kept him hostage in Meerut for 24 hours.

Rs 7.5 lakh recovered through online transaction

After this, Rs 7.5 lakh was taken from him through online transaction and later he was released. Sunil Pal was kept blindfolded in a house. After purchasing the jewelery from the city, the ransom amount was transferred to the bank account of the jewellers. In this regard, the comedian has filed a police case at Santa Cruz Police Station in Mumbai.

The kidnappers had purchased jewelery from a jeweler in the name of Sunil Pal.

After this, the account of the jewelery seller of Meerut has been seized. Let us tell you that the kidnappers had purchased jewelery worth about Rs 4 lakh from Akash Ganga Jewelers of Meerut Sadar police station area. After this the accused took about three lakh rupees. Purchase worth Rs 2.25 lakh was made. The jewelery bills at both the places were made in the name of Sunil Pal. For this, Sunil Pal’s Aadhar card and PAN card were given. This amount was transferred online from Sunil Pal’s mobile to the jeweller’s account. Saraf has lodged a complaint in this matter at Lalkurti police station. Meerut SSP asked for further investigation into the entire matter.


Police are examining CCTV footage

The whole matter came to light when jeweler Akshit Singhal’s account was frozen and he received a call from Mumbai Police. The police are now investigating the CCTV footage from the night of 2nd December to 3rd December in this case.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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