Mumbai: In the case of attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, the earlier investigating officer (IO), Sudarshan Gaikwad, is now handling the administrative aspects, while police inspector (crime) of Bandra police station, Ajay Lingurkar, has taken over as the main investigating officer.
Police inspector Gaikwad was the first to reach the scene, which initially made him the IO. However, in major cases, or when deemed necessary by senior officers, the investigation can be transferred, as happened in this case.
Sudarshan Gaikwad On The Change
Gaikwad said, “The decision to change the IO was taken by senior officers. No one explained the reason to me, as only they know why. Crime PI Lingurkar and I hold the same designation, and we are batch-mates. Now I am handling the administrative side of the case, while Lingurkar is leading the investigation. If a case is serious, it is often handed over to the crime PI.”
Police Speak About the Accused
A police officer said it cannot be ruled out that the accused might have entered India illegally from Bangladesh and returned to Bangladesh and re-entered the same way. The accused’s mother and two brothers live in Bangladesh, and he had been sending significant amounts of money to his mother while keeping only a small amount for himself. However, he had stopped sending money recently as he was unemployed.
The police described the accused as a loner who rarely interacted with others. They also noted that he had a flawed understanding of money, believing that Rs 1crore meant only two or three bundles of notes. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan’s statement has not yet been recorded. Sources said the police have provided security to Khan and his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, following the incident. Three police officers are now stationed at their house. Additionally, Khan has reportedly hired personal security from actor Rohit Roy’s security agency