New facts and twists are coming to light after the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. After the picture of the attacker in the CCTV footage became public, some media reports had claimed that the attacker entered Saif-Kareena’s house between 1 to 2 am in the night, held their son Jeh hostage and demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore. . However, Mumbai Police has rejected these reports. Joint Commissioner Satya Narayan Chaudhary said that it was an incident of theft.
Saif who came to intervene was attacked
Earlier media reports had said that when Saif protested against taking his son hostage, the attacker attacked him with a knife. According to police sources, an unknown person entered Saif’s flat in Bandra West. Meanwhile, the nanny Aleema Philip, who took care of Saif-Kareena’s children, saw her and started making noise. Saif woke up and tried to intervene, resulting in the attacker attacking him. The nanny told the police that the attacker entered the house carrying a knife and when they tried to stop him, he attacked them too. In this attack, Saif suffered serious injuries on his neck, hands and spine.
Ibrahim took Saif to the hospital
The incident took place early Thursday around 2 am at Satguru Sharan Apartment in Bandra West. Saif lives in this 12-storey building with his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and children. Soon after the attack, Saif’s elder son Ibrahim took him by auto to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. After the surgery, doctors said that Saif’s condition is now stable and he can be discharged from the hospital in two days. Police have registered a case of robbery with murder and attempt to cause grievous hurt.
Attacker captured in CCTV footage
According to police, the attacker entered the building from an alley located near the apartment. In the CCTV footage, he was seen walking down the stairs into the house, wearing a white T-shirt, jeans and an orange scarf over his shoulder. Police are investigating the case and trying to find out whether the attacker was alone or someone else was also involved with him.