Jaipur, 28 November (HS). Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma said that the industrial scenario in the state will get a new direction through the Rising Rajasthan Summit to be held from 9th to 11th December. He said that the state government is working whole-heartedly to fulfill its resolve for the economic progress of the state. In this series, we will take a new resolution every day for the next 10 days for the successful organization of Rising Rajasthan.
Sharma said that through these resolutions, the state will be made a 350 billion dollar economy in the next five years. Organizing Rising Rajasthan will prove to be a milestone in achieving the resolution of Developed Rajasthan-2047. The Chief Minister called upon all important sections to become partners in the successful organization of the summit.
Taking the first pledge today, Sharma said that the inaugural day of the Rising Rajasthan Summit will be completely powered by solar energy. He said that this summit will bring a new dawn in the development of the state with the power of the sun. He said that our priority is to promote renewable energy for uninterrupted power supply in the state. Due to the favorable investment policies of the state government, Rajasthan has become the choice of investors in renewable energy and today Rajasthan ranks first in renewable energy production in India. He said that we are working with the aim of making the state self-reliant in energy production by 2027.