Akshay Kumar starrer Sky Force is all set to hit the big screens on January 24, 2025. The actor has been going through a rough phase at the box office despite delivering good films like Mission Raniganj, Sarfira, and Khel Khel Mein. However, everyone is expecting that with Sky Force the actor will be back with a bang as it is a genre (patriotism) that Akshay has mastered earlier.

Free Press Journal did a poll on X and asked its readers that according to them what will be the first day collection of Sky Force. We gave them four options, Rs.5-10 crore, Rs. 10-15 crore, Rs. 15-20 crore, or Rs. 20 crore plus. Well, the poll results are out and maximum people feel that the Akshay Kumar starrer will take an opening of Rs. 10-15 crore.

While 43.9% people have voted for Rs. 10-15 crore, 24.4% people feel that the film will take an opening of Rs. 5-10 crore. Well, 19.5% people think that Sky Force will get an opening of Rs. 20 crore plus, and 12.20% people have voted for Rs. 15-20 crore. Check out the results below…

Akshay Kumar’s last release Khel Khel Mein had collected Rs. 5.05 crore on its day one, and it is expected that Sky Force will open better at the box office. Khel Khel Mein was a well-made film, but due to the tsunami of Stree 2, the movie failed to make a mark at the ticket windows. However, it received a great response when it was released on OTT.

The buzz of Sky Force is decent, and a double digit opening will surely gaurantee a good weekend. The movie is releasing during the Republic Day weekend, but as January 26 falls on Sunday, the holiday factor goes missing here. While it is expected to do well over the weekend, it all depends on how the movie will maintain during week days.

The reviews of Sky Force are out, and Free Press Journal’s reviewer wrote, “Overall, Sky Force had the potential to be a better film if the second have was tighter. However, it is not a bad film, and you can surely watch it once, but don’t go to theatres with high expectations. Also, a must watch for an Akshay Kumar fan!”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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