OTT platform Netflix’s new documentary film ‘Famous’ has become a topic of discussion these days. The documentary, directed by Moze Singh, delves into Honey Singh’s life, highlighting his struggles with bipolar disorder, allegations from ex-wife Shalini Talwar, and drug addiction. In this 90-minute film, many aspects of Honey Singh’s life are shown in detail.

Documentary received positive response

Moz said in a conversation with ‘The Indian Express’, “I am very happy with the response the documentary is getting. It’s a hair-raising realization how this film is connecting with people. Every filmmaker wants his film to connect with the audience, but this time the response is really amazing.” Talking about his experience talking about his addiction and other issues with Honey Singh, Moz said, “To talk about any personal or intense issue, you have to gain that person’s trust and build a relationship.”

trust building process

Moz said, “As the journey of the film started, Honey Singh realized that I was not exaggerating about his life. He understood that I sincerely wanted to make a film. Gradually he became comfortable talking openly about mental health and other issues.”

Honey Singh’s drug addiction misconception

Moz clarified, “The things that have been raised about drug addiction are a complete misunderstanding. Honey Singh was never a drug addict. His mental health condition had deteriorated, which was the main problem. He used to smoke and take some other things, but he was not addicted to those things. This is a common misconception. In fact, his bipolar condition is what caused him to lose control. These are two different things.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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