Bhopal/Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): A man was arrested for allegedly threatening and raping a 17-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior on Tuesday evening. The police traced and nabbed the accused from the bus stand, minutes before he could flee.

The accused allegedly raped and threatened a 12th-grade girl in his locality a day ago and planned to leave the city for some time.

After the crime was reported to the city police, they launched a manhunt and activated their local spy network. Police also rounded up his residence and the places the accused frequently visited. Police received a tip-off about the accused’s location; a team was formed who in turn apprehended the accused.

According to information, the accused, identified as Vivek Kumar, is a resident of Ghatigaon in the city. According to sources, the 17-year-old victim girl was sleeping in her room on Monday night when Vivek entered the house through the roof. Here, he raped and molested the minor. When the minor tried to resist, he threatened her that he would defame her in the locality, leading to breaking off her recently concluded engagement. After raping and threatening her, the accused fled.

On Tuesday, the victim and her mother reached the Ghatigaon circle police station, where they filed a complaint. Police, acting promptly, filed a case and launched a manhunt against the accused. A team of investigative officers was formed who rounded up the accused’s residence, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The chase begins…

To hunt the accused, city police activated their local spy network, who gave them information about the accused. Meanwhile, the team of officers had discovered his aides and their addresses. The officers tracked the aides down and rounded them up. This was also in vain as the aides had no idea about the location of the accused.

Hours later, police received a tip-off from one of the spies alleging that the accused was about to leave the city and flee. They also informed the police that the accused is on the bus stand waiting for a bus. Acting promptly, police went to the bus stand and apprehended the accused.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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