Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra took seven rounds with tennis player Himani, shared pictures with his life partner and said – ‘New chapter of life begins with family’ Neeraj Chopra got married on Friday. He posted his wedding photos on social media two days later at 9.36 pm on Sunday night. Wife Himani and mother Saroj Devi were seen in the pictures.

According to the information, the wedding program of Neeraj and Himani was kept very secret. Only close relatives of the boy and girl’s families attended the wedding. In the pictures shared by Neeraj, only a few family members are seen sitting together.

Neeraj Chopra surprised everyone by posting his wedding pictures on social media. He wrote his and wife Himani’s name in the post and made a heart emoji. He wrote- I am grateful for the blessings of all those who became a part of us in these moments. Locked in love, happy ever after.’

Neeraj took 7 rounds with the tennis player from Ladsauli village of Sonipat district of Haryana. Himani is studying sports from America. His father Ram retired from State Bank of India about 2 months ago. Himani’s father has built a sports stadium in the village. They feed circle kabaddi to the players there.


Himani started playing tennis while studying at Little Angel School, Sonipat. Himani’s mother Meena trained her in the initial stages. He left the village and took a rented house in Sonipat. Apart from sports, he graduated from Miranda House College, Delhi University. After this, he led India in the University Tennis Championship held in Taiwan in 2017-18. Apart from mother, father Chand Ram Mor also always inspired his daughter to move forward. Himani’s younger brother Himanshu is also a tennis player.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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