India’s javelin throw superstar Neeraj Chopra secretly got married to his girlfriend Himani on January 16 in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The wedding was kept very private, with only family and close relatives attending. Not only this, the marriage was organized with such secrecy that even the people around could not get a clue about it. Neeraj, who has made his mark at the international level, celebrated his special day with simplicity and privacy.
Flood of good wishes received on social media
After marriage, Neeraj and Himani shared some beautiful pictures on social media, in which both were looking very happy.
- glimpse of family: In one picture, Neeraj’s mother is seen performing the wedding rituals.
- emotional message: Neeraj wrote on Instagram,
“We will always be happy and bound by love.”As soon as the pictures came out, there was a flood of congratulations from fans and followers.
Off to America for training
Soon after the marriage, Neeraj and Himani left for America to focus on their sports.
- family acceptance: Neeraj’s uncle Bhim Chopra told that the marriage took place with the happiness and consent of the family.
- focus on sports: Both are currently continuing their training in the US, where they are preparing for future challenges.
reception planning
Neeraj and Himani will organize a wedding reception soon.
- VIP reception: It will be organized in a big city like Delhi or Chandigarh.
- local reception: Will be held in a hotel or banquet hall in Solan or any other city.
- international party: Neeraj and Himani can also organize a special party for their international friends in America or any other country.
Neeraj and Himani: Towards new beginnings
Neeraj and Himani’s marriage marks a new beginning in their lives.
- Balance between career and personal life: Both are dreaming of touching the heights of sports while living their new life.
- best wishes from fansEveryone from the sports world and fans have wished this new couple all the best for their future.