Khatam Naxalite, popularly known as Chalapathi, was a resident of Andhra Pradesh and got a reward worth crores from a selfie taken with his wife. His real name was Ramachandra Reddy. He was a resident of Chettur district of Andhra Pradesh. Their names are recorded in the police book as Ramu, Pratap Reddy, Ramachandra Reddy, Apparao, Chalapathi, Jayaram. According to the police, Chalapathi has studied only till 10th class.


Naxalite leader is another name of terror

A Naxalite leader synonymous with terror has been killed in an encounter with security forces. There was a reward of Rs 1 crore on Chalapathi. He ruled the forests of Chhattisgarh-Odisha for a decade. The police also found it difficult to reach him, but due to a mistake Chalapathi lost his life. Due to one mistake of Chalapati, the police found a way to keep an eye on him and reach him.

Always alert to his movements

Naxalite leader was always alert about his movements. This was a puzzle for the Naxalite government also. But the selfie with Chalapathi’s wife changed the whole game. As soon as he appeared, the government and the police got information about his whereabouts. The selfie taken by Chalapathi with his wife proved to be very helpful in the ongoing operation against him when it came into the hands of the security forces. Many names of this terrorist who spreads terror under the name of Chalapathi are found in the police book. Ramu, Pratap Reddy, Ramachandra Reddy, Apparao, Chalapathi, Jayaram are all names of the same person. This Naxalite was a resident of Chettur district of Andhra Pradesh.

Chalapati could not walk much due to his knees

Chalapathi ruled his kingdom in the forests of Orissa and Chhattisgarh. But now his activities at both these places have stopped. For the last few years, Chalapathi had settled in Darbha in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh. Chalapathi could no longer compete as he grew older. His body was becoming weak. Chalapathi joined the People’s War Group in his early years. This group works to spread terror in some parts of the South. Chalapathi did not have much education. But he had knowledge of Oriya, Telugu, Hindi and Bengali languages. Apart from this he also knew about guerrilla warfare and military strategy.

Chalapathi’s name came into discussion in the year 2008

In 2008, the first attack under the leadership of Chalapathi took place in Nayagarh district of Odisha. Then his name was discussed for the first time. 12 security personnel were martyred in this Naxalite attack. An officer involved in the campaign against Naxalites said that Naxalite leader Ramakrishna was the mastermind of the 2008 Naxalite attack. And the entire incident was carried out by Chalapathi.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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