On Saturday, 8 March 2025, Sun and Mangal Navpancham Yoga will be made from 10:40 am, which is considered very auspicious in astrology. According to the mathematical calculation of astrology, this yoga is formed when two planets are located 120 degrees away from each other. According to astrology theory, when some two planets and Kalpurus sit in the ninth and fifth house in the horoscope, Navpancham yoga is formed.
This yoga, which is made by appearing in both these expressions of Sun and Mars on 8 March, is beneficial for all zodiac signs.
According to Vedic astrology, the ninth and fifth house of the horoscope is considered to be the most auspicious. This yoga, which is made by appearing in both these expressions of Sun and Mars on 8 March, is beneficial for all zodiac signs. But according to astrologers, people of 2 zodiac signs are likely to get positive results in aspects of education, career, business, professional relations, jobs, family and married life, love life due to the auspicious new vision of Sun and Mars. Let’s know which are these 2 lucky zodiac signs?
The ninth house of Sun and Mars will have a special effect on Aries people. The lord of Aries is Mars and the Sun is high in this zodiac. Therefore, this yoga will prove to be extremely auspicious for Aries people. Students of this zodiac will get excellent results in the field of education. His hard work and dedication will result in good marks. People will also get opportunities for progress in the field of career.
The effect of Sun and Mars in the ninth house will be very auspicious for Leo zodiac signs. The lord of Leo is the Sun and Mars plays the role of a planet favorable for the people of this zodiac. Therefore, this yoga will prove to be particularly beneficial for Leo zodiacs. Leo people will get opportunities for progress in the field of career. Along with promotion for employed people, there will be chances of increment. This is a good time to invest, but take decisions wisely. There will be good progress in trade related to abroad.