Navi mumbai: To ensure that Navi Mumbai remains clean in every aspect, the Solid Waste Management Department and the Swachh Maharashtra Abhiyan unit, under the guidance of Municipal Commissioner Dr. Kailas Shinde, conducted an intensive cleaning drive during the public holidays of Saturday and Sunday.

This was in addition to the routine daily cleaning. The campaign focused on neglected and vacant areas, as well as the Sion-Panvel Highway, which does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation.

The cleaning drive included thorough removal of hardened soil along footpaths, overgrown tree branches, and dried leaves.

Specifically, areas such as LP Junction to Nerul Railway Station, Nerul Railway Station to Haware Junction, and Haware Junction to Apollo Junction were deeply cleaned, along with major roads and the Sion-Panvel Highway, were focussed upon.

After collecting leaves and debris, the cleaned footpaths, roads, and neglected areas were washed using water sprayed through the corporation’s advanced fogging machines.

The water used for this purpose was recycled and treated at Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation’s sewage treatment plants. This use of fogging vehicles not only cleaned the roads but also reduced air dust levels and minimized pollution.

A similar deep cleaning drive was also conducted in the Turbhe ward office area. “Along with routine cleaning, such deep cleaning campaigns ensure comprehensive cleanliness in the Navi Mumbai region. The Municipal Corporation is paying close attention to maintaining overall cleanliness in the area. Even though Sion Panvel highway does not come under our jurisdiction, we conducted the cleaning there as it falls in our city,” Dr Shinde said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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