Navapancham Yoga is one of the auspicious yogas, which is considered extremely auspicious and especially fruitful in terms of planetary position in Vedic astrology. On Tuesday, 4 February 2025, planetary lord Mercury and Devguru Jupiter will form Navapancham Yoga from 3.19 pm. According to the mathematical calculations of Vedic astrology, this yoga occurs when Mercury and Jupiter are located at a maximum of 120 degrees from each other. According to the principles of astrology, this auspicious and powerful yoga occurs when any two planets are in the ninth (9th) and fifth (5th) houses. Let us tell you that the 9th and 5th houses in the horoscope are called triangle houses, which are considered to be the factor of increase in luck.
Astrological significance of Navapancham Yoga of Mercury and Jupiter
When Mercury and Jupiter are situated in the fifth and ninth houses and form Navapancham Yoga, then this yoga is considered very auspicious. Both Mercury and Jupiter are factors of knowledge, intelligence and luck, hence the impact of this yoga is very deep on a person’s life. This yoga not only brings progress and progress in a person’s life but also brings full support of luck. According to astrologers, this yoga has the ability to make life prosperous and successful. During this yoga, when a person works in the right direction, he gets great success with less effort.