The Nashik City Police Traffic Branch imposed a total of Rs 11.47 crore in fines across various locations in 2024. However, only Rs 1.48 crore has been collected, with the remaining Rs 10 crore still unpaid. The defaulting drivers have been informed through the court regarding the non-payment of fines. Although the total number of actions taken in 2024 was lower compared to 2023, the higher fines imposed indicate that the police focussed on more serious violations.
In 2024, fines were imposed on 1.5 lakh unruly drivers, but helmet-related actions dropped by nearly half compared to the previous year. Even though overall actions decreased by one lakh cases, the fines imposed doubled due to increased focus on violations such as triple-seat riding, no-parking, tinted windows and mobile usage while driving.
The city continues to struggle with traffic congestion, particularly at intersections and on suburban roads like the Mumbai-Agra Highway, frustrating citizens. Both the police and municipal corporation are making efforts to alleviate the traffic issues and ensure road safety in 2025. Preparations have begun, but residents are eager for swift action.
Court proceedings for unpaid fines
After the issuance of an e-challan, defaulters are expected to pay fines either online or in cash. However, many drivers refuse to settle the outstanding amounts. In cases where fines remain unpaid for 15 days, the police notify the court electronically. Summons are then issued to the defaulters, who are required to appear before the Motor Vehicle Court, often before a Lok Adalat.
Key figures:
– 2023 fines: ₹6.06 crore
– 2024 fines: ₹11.47 crore
– Helmet actions decreased by: 46,154 compared to 2023
– Total fine collection:₹1.48 crore from 21,709 drivers
– Outstanding fines: ₹10.23 crore, unpaid by 1,47,353 drivers