Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri’s sister Aliya Fakhri, 43, was arrested for allegedly murdering her 35-year-old ex-boyfriend Edward Jacobs and his female friend Anastasia ‘Star’ Ettienne in Queens, New York, by setting a two-story garage in the early morning on November 2.
While Nargis has yet to issue an official statement, a source close to the actress revealed that she has not been in contact with her sister Aliya Fakhri for over 20 years. Like everyone else, Nargis learned about the murder through the news, as reported by India Today.
The report further stated that Nargis has “nothing to clarify” regarding Aliya’s arrest in the murder case.
Aliya’s mother defended her daughter and told The Daily News, “I don’t think she would be killing someone. She was a person who was caring for everybody. She tried to help everybody.”
According to the officials, Aliya yelled, “You are all going to die today” at Edward, who was sleeping at that time. She has been charged with four counts of murder in the first degree and four counts of murder in the second degree.
She arrived around 6.20 AM at the front door of a two-story detached garage behind 172-27 91st Avenue.
District Attorney Melinda Katz said in a statement, “This defendant maliciously ended the lives of two people by setting a fire that trapped a man and woman in a raging inferno. The victims tragically died from smoke inhalation and thermal injuries.”