Students, parents, and staff of a school in Parekh Nagar, Kandivali, were alarmed on Monday after several morning shift students reported unusual itching and burning sensations on their skin and eyes. The school claimed it acted proactively, commencing immediate cleaning procedures. Incidentally, Swami Vivekanand International school is known for its notable alumni like Rohit Sharma, Shardul Thakur among others.
A parent, while speaking on the condition of anonymity, shared that the day began as usual for the morning shift students. However, by afternoon, several children complained of itching in their eyes and on their faces. Some students later developed spots or pimples on their faces.
Another parent noted that her son returned home feeling unusually drowsy. She added that his uniform emitted a strong smell of burnt fuel, such as petrol or diesel, and even after washing, the odour lingered.
Shaibala Shetty, Principal of SVIS, suggested that the skin irritation could potentially be linked to a construction site that students might have passed on their way to school. While the cause remains unconfirmed, the school took immediate measures to address the situation.
To ensure student safety, the school sanitised its premises thoroughly. Afternoon shift students from the primary section were sent home on an optional half-day, and the use of tap water for washing faces was restricted as a precautionary measure.
“We prioritise hygiene and acted swiftly once the issue came to our notice. We carried out deep cleaning, including sanitising the water tanks. Thankfully, no students have reported any problems today,” said Principal Shetty.
The school continues to monitor the situation closely to prevent any recurrence and to ensure the safety of its students.