Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common respiratory infection, which Mycoplasma pneumoniae Caused by bacteria. It is more common in children and teenagers, but adults can also be affected. It starts with mild symptoms, but in severe cases it can turn into pneumonia, which may require hospitalization.

Major symptoms:

  • fever and fatigue
  • headache and sore throat
  • persistent dry cough
  • Difficulty breathing (in severe cases)

Symptoms may appear one to four weeks after exposure to infection and may last for several weeks.

Current situation in Japan

According to a recent report by NIID, the weekly average number of mycoplasma pneumonia patients reached 1.11 as of January 12, an increase of 0.34 compared to the previous week. This average is the highest in the last decade.

Experts believe that this increase in cases is due to the winter season and the nature of the infection. Although the disease is common among children and adolescents, outbreaks are also being seen in congregate settings such as the military, hospitals, and nursing homes.

Increased risk of erythema infectiosum

In addition to Mycoplasma pneumoniae, an increase in cases of erythema infectiosum has also been reported in Japan. It is commonly called the “Fifth Disease”. This disease starts with cold-like symptoms and later appears as red rashes on the cheeks.

Statistics of Erythema Infectiosum:

  • According to reports from nearly 3,000 medical institutions across the country, an average of 0.94 cases of the disease were recorded per hospital as of January 12.
  • This figure is higher than 0.78 cases a week ago.

It is clear that the increasing cases of these infectious diseases have put Japan’s health system on alert.

Spread and prevention of infection

Mycoplasma pneumoniae spreads from one person to another mainly through respiratory droplets. This infection is more common in winter, but can also occur throughout the year.

Major affected places:

  • army camp
  • Hospitals and Nursing Homes
  • Schools and other public places

However, the actual incidence of this infection may be higher than reported, as patients with mild symptoms do not require hospitalization.

Necessary measures to prevent infection

Use Mask:

  • Wearing a mask reduces the risk of spreading infection to a great extent.
  • Use of masks is mandatory in crowded places.

Follow cleanliness:

  • Wash hands regularly.
  • Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Keep distance from the infected person:

  • If a person is having cough, fever, or trouble breathing, maintain physical distance from him.

Vaccination and boost of immunity:

  • Get vaccinated as per doctor’s advice.
  • Strengthen your immune system with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Estimates and global outlook

The increase of mycoplasma pneumonia and other infections in Japan is part of a global health concern. Experts say that about one percent of America’s population is affected by this infection every year. However, hospitalization figures are low due to mild cases.

The disease is more prevalent in winter, but changing lifestyles and increasing levels of social interaction have made it active throughout the year.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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