Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Although the Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital administration has once again kicked out the private ambulance operators from the campus but the authorities are sitting on the directives of divisional commissioner to develop a concrete system for the same.

Moreover, the directives of the commissioner to check the feasibility of developing an application for ambulance operation in the hospital couldn’t come out of papers even after seven months.

Free Press had raised the issue of private ambulance operators exploiting the poor patients in hospital in its Monday edition after which the hospital administration has removed them from the campus. Divisional commissioner Deepak Singh had sent a letter to collector Asheesh Singh in April to see whether an app based system can be developed for bringing transparency in the operations of the private ambulance operators “The letter was forwarded to Smart City CEO by the collector along with seeking the information from the hospital about the present system. No action was taken over the same and the plan hasn’t seen the light of the day yet,” hospital sources said.

Meanwhile, hospital superintendent Dr Ashok Yadav said, “We will not allow any private ambulance operator to park in the hospital. We are also banning the entry of ambulance drivers in the hospital.” Dr Yadav added that district administration and Smart City will take decision on developing the app for the same.

Earlier ‘hoax’ claims

1. In 2023, the hospital administration had planned to take the services of retired army officers and retired cops to operate the booth for the ambulances on the hospital campus but to no avail.

2. The then divisional commissioner Pawan Sharma and the then police commissioner Harinarayan Chari Mishra had directed the officials to set up the facility along with establishing a new police kiosk at the appropriate place but hospital administration did not act on it .

3. RTO and police were supposed to ensure verification of the vehicles and the drivers including fixing the rate of the ambulance at the earliest but it remained only on papers.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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