Kolkata. A court in Murshidabad district of West Bengal has sentenced two accused to harsh punishment in the heinous case of rape and murder of a minor girl. The Additional Sessions Judge of Jangipur court, while delivering the verdict on the 61st day of the crime, awarded death sentence to Deenbandhu Halder and life imprisonment to Subhojit Halder. The police completed the investigation of this case in just 21 days and filed the charge sheet.

Criminal Deenbandhu found guilty of rape and murder

The court on Thursday found Deenbandhu Halder guilty of rape and murder, while Subhojit Halder was convicted of aiding and abetting the crime. After the sentencing on Friday, Additional Director General (ADG) of West Bengal Police Supratim Sarkar said that on October 13, on the day of Vijayadashami, Deenbandhu had lured the girl on the pretext of giving her flowers.

Deenbandhu committed necrophilia after killing a minor

According to the police, Deenbandhu raped the minor and then murdered her. The surprising thing was that after the murder, he also raped the dead body, which is called necrophilia. Subhojit Halder had helped Deenbandhu in this heinous crime. Considering the seriousness of the case, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) was formed, which acted swiftly and filed the charge sheet within 21 days.

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee appreciated the punishment

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee welcomed the court’s decision, saying, “Every rapist deserves the death penalty. We have to unite to end such heinous crimes.” He said speedy and timely trial in rape cases would act as a powerful deterrent. This will send a clear message to the society that such crimes will not be tolerated.

Praising the state police and prosecution team, the Chief Minister said, “I congratulate the police and all those involved in the legal process for this achievement. My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim.”

Justice was delivered quickly in the judicial process

The speed of the judicial process in this case was remarkable. The sentence was pronounced on the 61st day of the crime, which shows the swift and effective action of the judicial system. Such speedy justice strengthens the confidence of the society and sends a strong message to the criminals.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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