Mumbai: Mumbai University on Tuesday announced the dates for its summer semester examinations, with 1.38 lakh students set to appear across 439 centres. In a first, students can access details of their exam centres and seat numbers online three months in advance, marking a significant step towards digitising the examination process.
The exams will cover a variety of undergraduate courses. The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) Semester 6 examinations will commence on March 18, while Bachelor of Science (BSc) Semester 6, Bachelor of Arts (BA) Semester 6, and BSc in Information Technology (BSc IT) Semester 6 exams are scheduled to begin on March 26. Exams for self-financed courses, including Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM) and Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass Communication (BAMMC) Semester 6, will also start on March 26.
A total of 14,723 students from the Faculty of Humanities, 74,483 from Commerce, 27,134 from Science, 13,004 from Technology, and 8,725 from Law will sit for the exams. Among these, 75,346 are male students, 62,717 are female, and six belong to other categories.
The university’s upgraded digital system allows students to check their exam details well in advance via the Digital University Portal. Dr Pooja Raundale, Director of the Board of Examination and Evaluation, praised the initiative, stating, “Making exam centre and seat number details available online three months in advance is a significant achievement. It gives students ample time to prepare logistically and ensures a smoother examination process.”
Dr Raundale also highlighted the broader implications of this move, saying, “This initiative is part of Mumbai University’s ongoing efforts to enhance the student experience through technology. By minimising last-minute stress, we aim to create an environment that allows students to focus entirely on their studies.”
She also commended Deputy Registrar Narendra Khalane and his team for their meticulous planning, adding, “The success of this initiative is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the entire examination department.”
Provisional admit cards, containing information about subjects, seat numbers, and related details, have been issued to colleges for distribution to students. Colleges have been asked to verify these details and report any discrepancies to the university without delay.