Mumbai: In a heartwarming initiative, the Mumbai Police have traced and returned 500 stolen or lost mobile phones to their rightful owners using advanced technology. On the first day of the New Year, officers from Zone 4 distributed 200 phones, while an additional 300 phones traced by the Ghatkopar Police will be handed over on January 2.

Special Task Force Formed
To tackle the issue of stolen and missing mobile phones across Mumbai and its suburbs, special teams were established at various police stations. Each team comprises an officer and two constables. Leveraging the Central Equipment Identity Registry (CEIR) portal and other advanced technologies, these teams successfully tracked and seized stolen phones, regardless of their location across the country.

Remarkable Results in 2024
In 2024, police stations under Zone 4 achieved a significant milestone by tracing 200 stolen phones in just 10 days. This was accomplished under the guidance of DCP R. Ragasudha. The special teams from police stations in Matunga, Sion, Antop Hill, Wadala, Bhoiwada, Kalachowki, and RAK Marg used the CEIR portal and other tools to identify and recover the devices. These phones were returned to their owners on January 1.

Widespread Recovery Efforts
Meanwhile, the Ghatkopar Police utilized CEIR data, technical expertise, and consistent follow-ups to track down 300 phones, valued at ₹37.73 lakh, from across Mumbai and states like Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, and West Bengal. These recovered phones will be handed over to complainants on Thursday, January 2, at Patidar Hall, LBS Road, Ghatkopar.

Mumbai Police’s efforts underscore their commitment to using technology and meticulous investigation to ensure public satisfaction and trust. This New Year, many citizens have been reunited with their valuable belongings, thanks to the relentless efforts of the police force.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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