Mumbai: The Mumbai Police on Saturday early morning received a message threatening to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said an official. The message also claimed that some people were planning bomb blasts in Mumbai and Dhanbad and conspiring to undermine the Indian Army. Furthermore, it alleged that one of the suspects was affiliated with the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI.

Treating the matter with utmost urgency, the Mumbai Police promptly launched an investigation to trace the sender of the message. The number from which the message was sent was traced to Ajmer in Rajasthan and a police team was sent there immediately to nab the suspect, said an official.

The message mentioned suspects involved in manufacturing illegal weapons in a company. The message identified two individuals, Prince Khan and Irfan Razadia, claiming that one planned to carry out a bomb blast in Dhanbad and the other in Mumbai. It also included a mobile number linked to a person named Irfan.

Upon receiving the message, the Mumbai Police were notified and began tracing the sender through the provided mobile number. Initial investigations suggest that the sender may have fabricated the message to implicate these individuals.

Meanwhile, as per standard protocols, relevant agencies were alerted, and contingency measures were initiated.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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