Mumbai: In a significant crackdown, the Mumbai Crime Branch Unit 4 seized over 38 kg of Marijuana worth ₹9.52 lakh from the Saat Rasta area and arrested a 27-year-old smuggler involved in drug trafficking. The accused is currently in police custody, and further investigations are underway.

About The Case

According to officials, Constable Mahajan received a tip-off from a confidential source that a young man in the Jacob Circle, Saat Rasta area, was storing a large consignment of Marijuana at his residence. The accused was reportedly packaging the contraband into smaller packets for distribution and sale. Acting on the information, a team from Unit 4 raided the residence and recovered 38 kg of Marijuana hidden in the premises.

The accused was arrested and produced in court, which remanded him to police custody until December 7. Preliminary investigations revealed that the smuggler had been involved in ganja trafficking for the past year. The Crime Branch is now investigating the accused’s operations, including the areas where he supplied the contraband and whether other individuals were involved in the network. Further inquiries are ongoing.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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