The extradition of 26/11 attack accused Tahawwur Hussain Rana has been approved. It will soon be brought to India from America. India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) is investigating his role in the attack. Due to which his extradition was demanded. On May 16, a California court ruled in favor of India. The accused had tried to file a petition in April before the US court’s decision. Which was rejected saying that a decision in this regard would be taken within 30 days.


The last hearing was 2 years ago

In her 48-page order dated May 16, Magistrate Jacqueline Chooljian of the US District Court Central District of California said she had reviewed all relevant documents from both sides. And have considered the arguments presented. Subsequently, the court concluded that Rana was eligible for extradition due to the offenses for which extradition was sought. The last hearing of this case was held in June 2021. Despite all the arguments and submission of documents, the case was pending for 2 years.

Extradition gets green signal in 2020

Earlier in 2020, a California court had said that Rana’s extradition to India should be allowed as the charges against him and his legal status meet all the criteria of the extradition treaty between the two countries. In September 2020, Christopher D. Gregg (Chief of the National Security Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office) and Attorney Nicola T. Hanna, while presenting his arguments in the California court, said that there is no merit in the arguments against Rana’s extradition to India. It was also said that all the qualifications regarding Rana’s extradition match. Also, according to the Extradition Treaty, extradition is completely legal in India under the charges against him. And there are legitimate arguments to believe that Rana himself committed these crimes.

Who is Tahawwur Rana?

Tahawwur Rana was born in Pakistan. He studied at the Army Medical College and worked as a doctor in the Pakistan Army for 10 years. But Tahawwur Rana did not like his work and left the job. Tahawwur Rana, who is involved in terrorist activities against India, is currently a citizen of Canada. But most recently he was a resident of Chicago, where he has a business.

According to court documents, she has traveled to and lived in Canada, Pakistan, Germany and England and can speak seven languages. Court documents reveal that from 2006 to November 2008, Tahawwur Rana conspired with David Headley and others in Pakistan. During this period, Tahawwur Rana assisted terrorist organizations Lashkar-e-Taiba and Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami and helped in planning and executing the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Terrorist Headley has become a government witness in this case.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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