Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A shocking incident has been reported from Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar, where a half-burnt body of a newborn was found in the cremation ground. Later, it was revealed that an 11th-class student had given birth to a child in the school on Monday.
Upon receiving the information, the police reached the spot. The police then got to know that the victim was admitted to the hospital.
According to information, the victim went to school on Monday after a long time. Notably, she was studying in a government higher secondary school in Shahgarh block and there she delivered the baby.
After one day, the body of that newborn was found half burnt in the cremation ground which is close to the school. The on-lookers saw the baby and informed the police. Upon receiving the information, the police reached the spot with senior officials.
The police began the investigation and it was revealed that the child was healthy and alive at the time of birth, according to the report of the health department. The police then sent the body for post-mortem. Meanwhile, the victim was admitted to hospital.
The police currently investigating the matter from all angles. During investigations, the police developed a suspicion of school staff, victim’s uncle and mother. The police have been checking the CCTV Footage of the school. The police have arrested the victim’s uncle as of now. Further details are awaited.