Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A 31-year-old woman died by hanging under suspicious circumstances at her place in the Khajrana area on Monday night. An argument broke out between the woman and her husband in the evening, after which the husband called the woman’s family at night, saying she had hanged herself.

He left her body at the MY mortuary and fled. Meanwhile, the woman’s brother alleged that her husband strangled her to death. ACP Khajrana Kundan Mandloi is investigating the case and the cause of death whether it was suicide or murder will be ascertained after the post-mortem report.

According to the police, the deceased was identified as Anjum B, a resident of Khajrana. Her brother said that Anjum had called him on Monday evening, saying that her husband had assaulted her and might kill her. Late at night, her husband called them, saying she had hanged herself. He left her body at the MY mortuary and fled. The family members further said that Anjum and her husband Ajruddin had been married for 10 years.

Ajruddin allegedly had an affair with another woman, leading him to kill Anjum. Fifteen days ago, the couple had a dispute, after which Anjum went to her parental home in Depalpur. Three days before the incident, Ajruddin brought her back home to Khajrana. Following an argument in the evening, he strangled her to death and is trying to portray it as suicide, they claimed.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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