Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav will be felicitated today in Jan Kalyan Parv at Lateri tehsil in Vidisha district. This marks his first visit to the Sironj Lateri assembly constituency after becoming the Chief Minister.
The visit, initiated at the request of local MLA Umakant Sharma, will include a public felicitation in recognition of the Chief Minister’s impactful public welfare initiatives and development-oriented schemes over the past year. Enthusiasm is running high among BJP workers, with MLA Sharma urging maximum participation from citizens, workers, and beneficiaries.
During a late-night meeting with party workers, Sharma emphasized the significance of the visit, expressing hope for announcements benefitting the constituency, including long-pending demands for district status for Sironj, a railway line, and industrial development. He also assigned responsibilities to ensure the event’s success. The event will see senior BJP leaders, public representatives, and workers from various wards actively participating. The visit is expected to bring fast development proposals and further strengthen public engagement under the Jan Kalyan Parv initiative.
Govt committed to promoting science & research: CM
Indian science and traditions are deeply related and the country’s leadership had always given priority to science and innovation, said chief minister Mohan Yadav while inaugurating the 31st National Childern Science Congress at Ravindra Bhawan on Friday.
“After the slogan, Jai Jawan Jai Kisan given by former Prime Minister late Lal Bahadur Shastri and Jai Vigyan given by ex-PM late Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has added Jai Anusandhan to the series, giving a new direction to science and innovation,” Yadav added.
Producing Covid vaccine locally and conducting nuclear test in Pokhran proved India’s capabilities, he said and added that Science Congress was the best platform for budding talents. The chief minister virtually inaugurated the renovation and automation works at Varah Mihir Astronomical Observatory in Dongla near Ujjain and released the research journal, Yugyugeen Bharat ka Purovakya, by Veer Bharat Nyas along with unveiling Mahadev film series.