Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav inaugurated a state-of-the-art drone training centre here on Sunday. The centre has been established as a joint venture between the Madhya Pradesh Flying Club and the Kasturba Gram Trust.

Speaking on the occasion, Yadav praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for promoting drone technology in India. He highlighted how initiatives like the ‘Namo Drone Didi’ had empowered women and contributed to the growth of modern technologies across various sectors.

Yadav emphasized India’s leadership in adopting new technologies and their applications in diverse fields, from agricultural pesticide spraying to other innovative uses. He urged Milind Mahajan of the Madhya Pradesh Flying Club to develop a comprehensive plan for training master trainers across the state.

He also assured that the state department of science and technology would coordinate efforts to ensure the programme’s success. As part of the inauguration, chief minister Yadav personally demonstrated the use of a drone, symbolically representing Madhya Pradesh’s aspirations to soar to new heights of development. He expressed confidence that drone technology would play a crucial role in managing the state’s vast geographical expanse and rich forest resources.

The drone training centre was expected to not only boost technological advancement in the state but also create new opportunities for skill development and employment, the CM said. Water resources minister Tulsi Silawat, Mayor Pushyamitra Bhargav, MLAs Madhu Verma and Ramesh Mendola and Kasturba Gram Trust’s Karunakar Trivedi along with Milind Mahajan and others were present on the occasion.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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