MP Chief Minister Mohan Yadav Asks Minister Sampatiya Uikey To Meet Affected Singrauli Tribal Family | FP Photo

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has expressed concern over the Singrauli incident where Sandeep, a known mafia, ran over a tribal farmer with a tractor in Gannai village.

He directed the in-charge minister, Sampatiya Uikey, to visit the affected tribal family and assess the situation at the ground level. He emphasized that such incidents will not be tolerated in the state.

It is learned that the victim, a tribal farmer, was trying to stop the tractor loaded with sand from passing through his farmland when the enraged tractor driver ran over him. This incident has taken on political significance, with the Congress party making it a major issue to criticize the Mohan Yadav government, alleging that atrocities against tribals are on the rise.

The incident occurred on Sunday when farmer Indrapal objected to the use of his paddy field as a passage for a tractor trolley loaded with illegal sand mined from a local river. One of the tractor drivers allegedly ran over him with the tractor, killing him on the spot. After the incident, the accused driver fled. Local villagers and the victim’s family members staged a protest against the incident.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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