Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): After a five-year hiatus, the six-day annual festival of Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, was inaugurated on Monday by MP Assembly Speaker Narendra Singh Tomar, who lit the ceremonial lamp. On this occasion, students from the MBBS 2024 batch presented mesmerising cultural performances.

Joining Speaker Tomar on stage were the Dean of the college, Dr. R.K.S. Dhakad; Joint Director and Superintendent Dr. Sudhir Saxena; Celebration Chairperson Dr. Vrinda Joshi; and Academic President Dr. Puneet Rastogi.

“Student life offers a joy and celebration that cannot be experienced even in the highest positions of life. That is why I always make an effort to attend when invited by a school or college. The memories of student life are always beautiful and unforgettable,” said the speaker during his inauguration speech. He also highlighted the strength of student unions, sharing that whenever he meets a Gajra Raja Medical College doctor during his travels, whether in India or abroad, it feels like meeting a family member.

Dean and Chief Patron of the festival, Dr. R.K.S. Dhakad expressed a desire to renovate the old college buildings to their original state and establish an international-level alumni association. Celebration Chairperson Dr. Vrinda Joshi remarked that the 6–10 days of the annual festival would remain memorable for all. The event was attended by festival coordinator Dr. Pravesh Singh Bhadoria, department heads, doctors, staff, and students.

Stalls inaugurated by Speaker Tomar

The college campus featured various entertainment and game stalls set up by the students. Tomar inaugurated these stalls by cutting the ribbon and visited each stall, interacting with the participants.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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