Jammu, 30 November (HIST). On Saturday, the delegation of Movement Kalki met Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Organization Minister Ashok Kol and submitted a memorandum regarding their demands. The delegation said that they have been protesting for the last 41 days for the protection and respect of Mother Cow and are continuously making efforts for their demands.

The delegation told the media that the main demands in the memorandum include giving the status of Mother Cow as Mother of the Nation, making strict laws for the protection of cows in the entire country, constituting Sanatan Board, establishing Cow Mata Board, construction of new cow shelters etc. Are. The delegation discussed the issue in detail with Ashok Kol. Praising the efforts of Movement Kalki, Cole said that this is an important initiative for the protection and respect of cows. He said that many states have made laws for cows and other states should also take concrete steps in this direction. He also said that strict provisions are needed to punish those who torture cows.

During this period, the delegation has also submitted a memorandum to all the elected MLAs in the BJP office. The delegation stressed that this voice should echo in Parliament. He warned that if their demands were not taken seriously, it would be considered the voters’ fault for not electing the right representative.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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