Fatty Liver Symptoms: According to a study by the University of Hyderabad, more than 80% of employees working in IT sector in India suffer from fatty liver problem. This study suggests that due to long-term sitting, stress, unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity, the problem of metabolic dysfunction in IT employees is increasing rapidly.

Fatty liver is a serious health problem due to the accumulation of excess fat in the liver. If it is not treated in time, it can cause serious diseases like liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Fatty liver symptoms

In the early stages of fatty liver, there are often no specific symptoms, but as the problem increases, these symptoms begin to appear.

Fatigue and weakness – Due to lack of liver properly, there is a lack of energy in the body.

Abdominal pain – Pain or heaviness can be felt around the liver.

Losing weight – weight loss without any effort.

Jaundice – Skin and eyes yellow may be a sign of liver failure.

Loss of appetite – The desire to eat decreases and digestive problems may occur.


Causes of fatty liver

Sitting for a long time – IT employees often work in front of the computer for hours, which reduces their physical activity.

Unhealthy eating habits-Eating too much fast food, junk food and oily food has a bad effect on liver.

Stress- Work pressure and stress affect the body’s metabolism.

Lack of physical activity – Lack of exercise accumulates body fat.

Obesity and diabetes – both of these are important causes of fatty liver.

Measures to avoid fatty liver

Healthy diet – Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and protein -rich food, avoid oily and spicy foods.

Regular exercise – Do 30 minutes of exercise or yoga daily. Apart from this, avoid working for a long time and keep taking small brakes in between.

Weight control – Obesity is a major cause of fatty liver, so maintain healthy weight.

Stress Management – Reduce stress by taking attention, yoga and adequate sleep.

Avoid alcohol and smoking- alcohol and smoking damage the liver, so stay away from them.

Regular tests- Get liver function test periodically and consult a doctor.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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