Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In the ongoing investigation into the corruption and disproportionate assets case against Saurabh Sharma, the former RTO cop and his two close associates, currently in Lokayukta custody, have revealed several names and these people will soon be summoned for questioning, said officials on Friday.

“During interrogation, Saurabh Sharma, Chetan Singh Gaur, and Sharad Jaiswal disclosed the names of people they were linked to. The agency will soon summon them for questioning,” Director General (DG) of Lokayukta, Jaideep Prasad, told Free Press.

We have already sent letters to banks and some have shared the transaction details of the three accused, while some are in the process of providing the information, the officer said.

Sharing the case details, the DG stated that the case against Saurabh Sharma has been proved as his property and assets are disproportionate to his known income.

The agency has gathered sufficient evidence to prove Sharma guilty in court, the officer added. He further noted that the agency is still collecting details of Sharma’s properties in India and abroad.

Lokayukta to seek IT help

People familiar with the matter said that the Lokayukta may approach the Income Tax Department to obtain turnover details of companies linked to the three accused. The trio collectively own around eight companies which were used by them to invest black money.

The agency will inquire how these companies were established, from where they got the funds to raise the company and to operate it.  

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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