Yesterday, Swara Bhasker made it to the headlines for revealing that her X (earlier Twitter) account has been suspended after she got a copyright violation on the Republic Day post. She had shared a long post on Instagram in which she had slammed X team. Now, the actress took to Instagram, to share that maybe her X account is hacked.

She captioned the post as, “And now… my Twitter/ X account it would seem HAS BEEN HACKED!”

Swara has shared a note which reads, “I was locked out of my account on 30th Jan following a copyright violation charge that I’ve appealed against. Following this I tried to change my password and re-access my X account but was unable. Then I received an email claiming that two factor authentication was turned off. And the following day 21 Jan I have received an email which says some unknown account has accepted a delegation invite from my handle and can now post, send DMs and create lists and groups.”

The actress further wrote, “I have not sent anyone any such invitation. The blue tick verified account @ReallySwara is still visible on X but I now have no access to it. It seems my account has been hacked.”

In her post yesterday, Swara has shared, “Twitter or X just permanently suspended my account.. For posting a Happy Republic Day Wish!!!! (Not Kidding).”

On her post there was a copyright violation, and the actress explained what she had exactly posted. In fact, one of the pictures that she shared was of her daughter Raabiya.

Swara wrote, “One with an orange background and text in Hindi Devnaagri script reading “Gandhi Hum Sharmindaa hain, Tere qaatil zindagi hain” is a popular slogan of the progressive movement in India. There is no copyright violation. It is akin to urban modern folk idiom. The second image marked as a violation is an image of MY OWN child with her face concealed waving an Indian flag and with writing ‘HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY India’.”

Well, let’s hope that soon this X account issue of Swara gets solved, and once again she starts posting on the micro-blogging site.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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