One of the nine planets, the moon is considered to be the controller planet of strength, motherhood, happiness and mind, which changes its zodiac in just two and a half days. About 7 days ago, on 17 March 2025, at 1:15 am, the Moon entered Libra, where it lasted till 2:06 pm on 19 March 2025. About 26 days after March 17, the Moon will once again transit in Libra.


On 13 April 2025, the Moon will enter Libra at 7:38 am, where it will last till 8:26 pm on 15 April 2025. After 26 days, which zodiac is likely to benefit the most by returning to the moon’s Libra zodiac?

Effect of lunar transit on zodiac signs


This transit of the moon can prove to be very beneficial for the people of Taurus. Your thoughts about what to do in life will become clear. If you implement new schemes in business, then there is more chances of getting benefits from them. Apart from this, there will also be financial benefits from new partners. Those who are associated with entertainment, health or art fields will get high position in life. If there are differences between family members, the circumstances will be favorable and love will increase between family members.


People of Cancer zodiac will once again benefit from transiting the moon in Libra zodiac after 26 days. There will be happiness in life. Income will increase. Shopkeepers will suddenly receive good amount, after which they can decide to buy property. Those who have their own business will increase their benefits.


Apart from the people of Taurus and Cancer, lunar transit will have a positive effect on the lives of Scorpio zodiac. Employed people can get an offer to work in a big company, where there will be a significant increase in salary. Traders and shopkeepers will get financial benefits and will get rid of debt. If you spend time with your family, you will like it and your relationship will also be deep.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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