Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, arrested in the case of attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, has been sent to police custody for five days. Shahzad, who was arrested on Sunday, claimed to be in Bandra and sleeping at the bus stop till 7 am on the day of the incident. Mumbai Police say that Shahzad is a native of Bangladesh, who entered India illegally and changed his name to Vijay Das. He was arrested from Thane on Sunday night.

Police said that Shehzad had entered Saif’s Bandra house on the morning of January 16 with the intention of theft. According to the police officer, “He slept at a bus stop near Patwardhan Garden in Bandra West till 7 am after the incident.”

“He went up the stairs to the seventh-eighth floor and then climbed to the 12th floor through a pipe, entering the duct area,” the officer said. Entered the actor’s flat through the bathroom window. There, he came out of the bathroom and started arguing with a nanny and demanded Rs 1 crore. When he heard the noise, Saif reached there and tried to catch the accused, on which the accused stabbed Saif in the back.”

Saif thought the accused was trapped inside and locked the flat, but the accused managed to escape, the officer said. The police have recovered a hammer, screwdriver, nylon rope and other items from his bag, leading the police to suspect that he may have a criminal history.

The accused then came to know that he had attacked the Bollywood star when he saw about the incident on television news reports and on social media. Police said Shehzad is a resident of Jhalokathi, a district in southern Bangladesh. He has been charged under sections of the Indian Justice Code for robbery with intent to cause grievous hurt or death, house-breaking and provisions of the Passport Act.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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