Lucknow, 29 November (Hindu). In Uttar Pradesh, Bharatiya Janata Party and its ally Rashtriya Lok Dal performed brilliantly in the by-elections, winning 7 out of 9 seats. After this, the swearing-in ceremony of the newly elected MLAs was organized in the Assembly on Friday. Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana administered the oath to all the winning candidates. In the swearing-in ceremony, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath congratulated the winning candidates and called it a victory for the development of the state and the faith of the people.

The newly elected MLAs who took oath include Ramveer Singh from Kundarki, Deepak Patel from Phulpur, Surendra Singh from Khair, Sanjeev Sharma from Ghaziabad, Dharamraj Nishad from Katehri, Suchismita Maurya from Majhwan and RLD’s Mithlesh Pal from Mirapur. All these candidates thanked the public for their trust and support and said that they would give priority to the development of their area. Everyone reiterated the resolve of ‘Nation First’ in one voice, and also expressed their loyalty towards the leadership of Modi-Yogi.

After the swearing-in ceremony, Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana, while addressing the newly elected members, said that it is a matter of pride to be a member of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly. You have got the opportunity to serve the public. If you go among the public regarding the Chief Minister’s work, you will win every time. You have two and a half years of time, spend it as much as possible among the public. Along with this, your presence should also be visible in the assembly. Your performance here will go as a message of your activism among the public.

On this occasion, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Deputy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, BJP State President Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary, Cabinet Minister Suresh Khanna and ministers and MLAs were present.

BJP state spokesperson Sanjay Chaudhary said that during the tenure of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, emphasis has been laid on law and order, infrastructure development and transparent administration. His government’s public welfare schemes like Ujjwala Yojana, Chief Minister Mass Marriage Scheme, and power and road projects in rural areas have strengthened the confidence of the people.

Apart from this, steps like crime control and revitalization of religious places in the state have further boosted the popularity of Yogi Adityanath. As a result, the excellent performance of BJP and ally RLD in the UP Assembly by-elections has greatly increased the enthusiasm of the party.

At the same time, all the claims of Samajwadi Party and Indi alliance were destroyed in the by-election. Despite all the efforts of the alliance and big promises, the opposition parties failed to save their credibility. This victory of BJP and allies has made it clear that the public has faith in the Yogi government. With this historic victory, BJP has proved its strong position in the state.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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