In her maiden assembly session, Anushakti Nagar’s member of legislative assembly Sana Malik highlighted the health and environmental issue caused by ready mix concrete (RMC) plants in Govandi East. Malik demanded the government to take immediate action and seal the plants until their licenses are reviewed.

On Wednesday, Nawab Malik’s daughter and recently elected MLA from Anushakti Nagar Sana Malik rose to highlight the concerns of Govandi (E) residents regarding the issues caused due to the RMC plants in Deonar. Malik said that these plants violate multiple norms set by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and result in health concerns for more than 50,000 residents.

Malik mentioned that JSW RMC Plant and Relcon RMC Plant, both situated in Deonar village, are situated less than 100 metres from residential areas. She alleged that both the plants violate MPCB’s older as well as newer guidelines released in November 2024, which prescribe a minimum distance of 500 metres.

Malik said that these plants violate multiple norms including inadequate dust control measures, lack of water sprinkling systems, absence of tree plantation around the plants and violation of prescribed operational hours. She also alleged that apart from non-compliance of MPCB guidelines. the licences of these plants have also expired.

Malik also said that residents of Nishant CHS, Neelkanth CHS, Satyanarayan CHS, Solaris CHS, Tridhatu Maurya and Orchid CHS are facing air and noise pollution due to these plants which are resulting in rise of respiratory and skin diseases. She also claimed that local hospitals have recorded significant increase in respiratory illness cases.

She urged the state government and concerned authorities to take immediate action against these plants and demanded that the operations of these plants should be seized immediately. She demanded that their functioning should be reviewed and they should be allowed to function only after their licences are renewed.

“Continuous operations of these plants has resulted in deposition of cement dust across residential area. The operations of these plants continue despite clear violation of guidelines, expired licenses and public health and environmental concerns. Action against them is crucial for well being of not only Govandi but entire Mumbai where pollution is at rise,” said Malik.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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