The season of Holi has come and at this time, Mixi is most needed to make various dishes. But if the mixer’s jar gets stuck and stops moving the blade, then it can be very troubled.

If the jar of your mixer is stuck and it has to be cured immediately, there is no need to go to the shop, just adopt this easy home remedy. This trick will immediately smooth your mixed blade.

Mixi’s jar got stuck? Just do this easy task

If the mixer’s jar is not moving through the blade, it can be due to a little dirt or rust. To fix this you need:

Coconut oil
Petroleum Jelly
Gas stove
Clean cloth

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Step-by-step method:

Apply oil on the blade:

  • Take a little coconut oil and apply it well on the mixture screw of the mixed blade with a finger.
  • This will lubricate the rotating part of the blade and will help in opening the jam.

Apply petroleum jelly on the plastic part:

  • Flip the mixi jar and apply petroleum jelly on the plastic part below the blade.
  • This will reduce friction between blades and jars, which will make it roam easily.

Show light flame of gas:

  • Burn the gas and turn the mixi jar upside down and keep it near the hot heat for 2-3 seconds.
  • This will melt the dirt on the screw of the blade and the smooth smoothness, which will make the blade easily rotate.

Clean with clothes:

  • After removing the gas, rub the jar with a cloth thoroughly and wipe it.
  • This will clean the extra oil and dirt and the blade will start moving smooth as before.

Note: Do not show the flame of gas for a long time!

Important precautions:
Do not keep the mixi jar on the gas for long, otherwise plastic can burn.
Give light warmth for just 2-3 seconds and remove immediately.
Apply and use it only after cooling the jar.

Clean it to protect the grinder jar from getting jammed

  • After use every time, wash the jar with warm water and dry it.
  • With the help of a brush, clean the blades and edges thoroughly, so that no solid food particles remain stuck.
  • Once a week, apply a little coconut oil or petroleum jelly and keep the blade smooth, so that it rotates smoothly.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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